We took a break by the entrance to Capitol Reef and watched Fence Lizards poke in and out of the scrub brush. I walked down the path with some tourists from Canada when a giant 4 foot orange headed lizard monster (OK, so it was as big as my forearm and only 14 inches long) wandered out on the path. I'm not a really big fan of the whole "Jurassic Park" thing, so, when this Big Boy stood on the path, I proceeded to climb over the Canadian tourist. Apparently, he didn't like lizards either because he started yelling "Gila Monster, Eh!!!" and ran for his car! Of course, Keith isn't convinced of the existence of the giant because, believe it or not, we couldn't locate the lizard again, no matter how many sticks we used to beat the bushes! We did, however find the miniature versions of the lizard, so at least my story was plausible.
We stopped at Ray's in Green River for a stretch and dinner. We were pleased to see our friends, Jim and Starla walk in. They told us about the great time they had in Panguich while watching the Hot Air Balloons. Yes, we have added the event to our "To Do" list for next year! Got to plan ahead, you know?!?
Another great day cruising the back roads. We rolled into Price a little later than we had planned, but all in all, the day was most enjoyable and the scenery most memorable! This is certainly a ride we will want to do again!
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