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Today we decided to head out of the heat and go north. We started up Indian Canyon and really enjoyed the cooler temperatures as we climbed through the canyon. The trees and grasses were so green from all the rain we've had. We enjoyed passing patches of wild flowers blooming on the sunnier side of the road.
We rolled through Duchesne, Roosevelt and Vernal then headed towards Flaming Gorge. This is the second run through the Basin we've made this year, but the first time was spent shooting in and out of rain storms (and yes, we left the camera at home). Today the skies were clear and no rain in the forecast!
We pulled over at the top of the mountain and decided to go on to Manila rather than to the Flaming Gorge Dam. It was the right decision because we saw some really amazing mountains and valleys. We had to stop to take some pictures of "Red Valley and the reservoir. It was quite the view!
We cruised through Manila and then turned for home. We stopped again at the top of the mountain and spent some time looking down in the valley where the historic Swett Ranch was located. We enjoyed seeing ducks, geese, hawks and deer all along the way. Of course, having to stop in the middle of the road to allow cattle and deer to cross in front of us was not exactly "enjoyable".
We stopped in Vernal for an early dinner at Stockman's then headed home! We drove alot of miles through some pretty amazing country today. The GoldWing's odometer shows 8,200 miles, so the bike has to go to the shop for a service check-up!
When the day starts with a clear sky, warm sun and no wind, it must be a great day to go for a ride. We left Price and headed south through Emery and to the I-70 Junction then on to Loa, Hanksville and Capitol Reef. This is the second ride we have made to Capitol Reef in two weeks. The first run was made under some cloud cover and we ended up chasing a storm (or was the storm chasing us?) all the way. We had to stop in Loa and pull on our rain gear then we fought the wind, rain and even hail the rest of the way home. We had also forgotten to bring our binoculars and the camera! So it just makes sense, then, to call "overs" and make the trip a second time!
During our first drive through Capitol Reef, Keith and I both realized that we had never been there before. Kinda crazy that we have spent so much time in Southeastern Utah, but never enjoyed the scenery around Hanksville and Torrey. The red rock formations are quite different from those around Moab and with all the rain, the hills were green and lush. Spectacular views all around! We followed part of the Fremont River and saw deer, hawks, geese and ducks. The road was a little less crooked than this tree but in good condition (except for the every present Tar Snakes).
We took a break by the entrance to Capitol Reef and watched Fence Lizards poke in and out of the scrub brush. I walked down the path with some tourists from Canada when a giant 4 foot orange headed lizard monster (OK, so it was as big as my forearm and only 14 inches long) wandered out on the path. I'm not a really big fan of the whole "Jurassic Park" thing, so, when this Big Boy stood on the path, I proceeded to climb over the Canadian tourist. Apparently, he didn't like lizards either because he started yelling "Gila Monster, Eh!!!" and ran for his car! Of course, Keith isn't convinced of the existence of the giant because, believe it or not, we couldn't locate the lizard again, no matter how many sticks we used to beat the bushes! We did, however find the miniature versions of the lizard, so at least my story was plausible.
We stopped at Ray's in Green River for a stretch and dinner. We were pleased to see our friends, Jim and Starla walk in. They told us about the great time they had in Panguich while watching the Hot Air Balloons. Yes, we have added the event to our "To Do" list for next year! Got to plan ahead, you know?!?
Another great day cruising the back roads. We rolled into Price a little later than we had planned, but all in all, the day was most enjoyable and the scenery most memorable! This is certainly a ride we will want to do again!
Well, it may be Father's Day, but what better way to celebrate than getting the GoldWing gassed up and ready to roll! We headed to Scofield, then up over the mountain towards Fairview. The temperatures just kept dropping as we climbed through the canyon so at the summit, it was time to pull over and add a layer of warmth.
We continued on to Mount Pleasant then off the main highway to head west to start the Nebo Loop, heading back towards Payson. The road was in very good condition, with lots of things to see around every corner. We stopped at the summit and enjoyed scoping Mt. Nebo, still covered in snow. There were quite a few waterfalls cascading down the steep cliffs of the mountain. Keith is positive he saw a Mountain Goat but we couldn't see well enough through the small binoculars we carry on the bike to be sure. Let us just say that "it" was a very different shade of white than the surrounding ice and snow on that particular slope.
This route will definitely be on our "Do Again" list when the Autumn colors start. It is a very enjoyable ride, whether on a motorcycle or in a car! Good times by Mt. Nebo!!